
Hi, my name is Steve Todd [more about me] and you've reached my website. Here, I provide details regarding some of my development interests. It includes a lot of "this is how I actually did it" items, as I've found these very useful. I'll go with actual experience every time.

This site (mstevetodd.com) is running Drupal 9.x, with a Bootstrap sub-theme I call Waccamaw. The background image is the Waccamaw River in South Carolina at flood stage. Many of my best memories, and quite a bit of my family history, occurred on or near that river and its surrounding swamps.

Hub City RR Museum

My first Drupal 8 site, this provides hours of operation, descriptive information, contacts, and lots of photos of the Hub City RR Museum in Spartanburg, SC. This site also shows embedded live video from the Virtual Railfan cameras facing both ways along the busy NS mainline.
In addition, the site hosts great content (via monthly newsletters) for the Carolina Railway Heritage Association.

Palmetto Division of NMRA

This is a Drupal 9 site, migrated from Drupal 6 site and then Drupal 8. It features a large photo gallery, tagged by event date. The migration was done by creating Data Export views (as csv) on the old site, and writing a bit of custom php on the new site to process the csv. The code loops thru each gallery item, retrieving and saving the image file locally, then a creates a node for it, complete with taxonomy.